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Compliance Myopia™ and the Expert Expediency Dilemma™ lead to One-Dimensional Risk Management™. Along with the Passive Confidence Trap™, they create an extremely dangerous situation – the unnecessary and avoidable leakage of wealth. Which means you are wasting real dollars that would otherwise have been available for achieving business, family and personal goals. On top of that, the damage caused by leakage of wealth is often multiplied by lost opportunity and increased vulnerability to economic, regulatory and competitive forces.

In addition to the possibility of your wealth accumulation, business continuity and wealth transfer plans failing, the inevitable results are:

  • The loss of substantial wealth
  • Harm to the business
  • The erosion of the family’s potential, opportunity and peace of mind

Because of the Passive Confidence Trap™, people assume – without proof – that things will inevitably work out. They say things like, “I have lots of time, it’s not urgent… my people are the best and so it is bound to work… besides, because we are rich we will be able to spend our way out of any problems that could arise.”

Because of One-Dimensional Risk Management™ nine out of 10 business continuity and wealth transfer plans are seriously flawed and will completely or partially fail if these flaws are not remedied. This will result in a substantial and unnecessary loss of wealth for all involved. ODRM occurs for three principle reasons:

  • The value and versatility of life insurance is vastly underestimated
  • Life insurance is mistakenly seen as a commodity you simply purchase and forget about… no management needed
  • The legal and accounting structures and strategies required to ensure plans perform optimally are missing, incomplete, or inappropriate

Because of Compliance Myopia™, your CPA, CFO and other financial advisors and managers may unintentionally and unknowingly give you incomplete (and potentially harmful) advice. Compliance Myopia™ occurs because most advisors believe their overwhelming responsibility to you – their #1 job – is ensuring your plans and practices comply with tax regulations. Once compliance is assured, they say, “I’ve done my job.”

Because of the Expert Expediency Dilemma™ many advisors tend to narrowly focus on engagement-specific tasks. Because they are paid on an assignment by assignment basis, they are not tasked with seeing the big picture. This means their advice is often narrowly focused and at times, reactive and incomplete. Once they have completed an assignment, they say, “I’ve done that job… call me when you need something else.”

Schedule Your Trusted Relationship Conversation

In addition to determining our mutual ability and requirements for entering into a relationship empowered by trust, we will help you recognize, avoid and/or escape all of these dangers.

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